We are pleased to announce the creation of two new workshops at Nechi, which are 21 hours in length, and can be delivered at your place of work or community.

“Be A Facilitator” refresher for all TOT Graduates

To provide participants with the advanced skills necessary to facilitate effectively in communities addressing conflict, difficult behaviours, and attitudes to integrate a successful experience for the consumer.  Participants of this three day workshop will incorporate facilitator competencies, knowledge, and skills with an opportunity to practise their skills in a small classroom setting, learning by doing through role modeling, group and individual projects designed to integrate their learning.  You can expect to walk out of the course with full knowledge of a training cycle, importance of experiential learning, understand task and maintenance, understand training and culture, understand the process of evaluation, and gain the necessary tools for final practice in your home communities.

“Leadership Workshop” for all of those who work in leaders roles, whose decisions impact the direction of their respective organizations.

Today even the most remote community is networked, distributing power and information in ways not available even a couple of decades ago.  This has resulted in uncertainty and challenges for every community and organization and one of the results is that it’s more important than ever for leaders to see what’s really going on and there are different expectations for leaders now than in earlier times.  In this workshop, participants come to understand that they themselves are very much part of social networks and that leadership is the property of a group rather than belonging to the person holding the leadership or authority position.  As reflected in historical Indigenous leaders who accomplished great things, leadership today is a matter of persuasion, diplomacy and inspiration rather than assumed authority.